Category: /me
Blender shortcuts right in your search engine
Two months ago, I attended a community meetup in NY called Quack & Hack. The point of it was to gather people around coding to improve the DuckDuckGo search engine. If you don’t know DuckDuckGo (DDG) by now, it’s the “search engine that does not track you”. And it’s been my tool of choice when…
I finished Facebook #orSoIThought
On May 27th, I’ve finished The stupidest game on Facebook. I was silently running this little self-amusing game since the 15th of May and then, later on, opened the process publicly. In the end, it took me less than 15 days to fill up to 99 the most famous 3 icons that you find on…
The stupidest game on Facebook
and you don’t need to install any app for it. While contemplating the most watched icons on Facebook, it became obvious to me that this was an actual Facebook score. I’ve always believed Facebook is a game. And therefore, it should not be taken seriously. Any other use of Facebook would be foolish. So these…
RaspiVj (alpha release)
Yesterday, I’ve pushed online the code for what I call the RaspiVJ, a minimal VJ application for the Raspberry Pi. The idea was to build a portable and lightweight VJ set up that could be versatile enough to adapt to multiple situtations and configurations. So the Raspberry Pi, as a small and cheap computer, seemed…
Just submitted this gif to the Transnumériques – Videoformes 2015 award. This gif is a compilation of screenshots done by the [loveMachine] over the course of 6 months. All selected pictures contain Facebook error messages. The [loveMachine] does screen captures every time it runs. Because the script works as a screenless process, this visual feedback…
Petits jeux autour de l’Art Nouveau et la nature
Un des derniers projets sur lequel j’ai travaillé vient d’être mis à la disposition du public. Il s’agit d’une série de petits jeux éducatifs pour enfants autour de l’Art Nouveau et de l’écologie. Ce projet est une commande du Réseau Art Nouveau Network et a été réalisé en collaboration avec Christophe Malvolti (gestion globale du…
Crowdsourcing New Year’s Eve Fireworks
Believe it or not, but in Copenhagen (and everywhere in Denmark I presume), there is no official fireworks set up by the municipality to celebrate the new year. Although on this 31st of December, it is one of the most incredible one I have ever seen so far. Simply because every citizen is allowed to…
Comment foirer le nouvel an d’un demi million de personnes
En Espagne, la tradition veut qu’aux douze coups de minuit, le 31 décembre, chaque personne mange 12 grains de raisin au rythme du son cloche. Exécuter ce rituel, sans délais et sans erreur, apporte bonheur et succès pour l’année à venir. C’est pour cette raison que, le soir du réveillon, lorsqu’approche l’heure fatidique, toute l’Espagne…
La poutre de ton Facebook
Depuis le début du projet [loveMachine], je reçois régulièrement en guise de clin d’œil des captures d’écran ou des avertissements de mes amis me renseignant le comique, l’incongru ou le glauque des articles que je “like” sur Facebook. La [loveMachine] est un script qui se connecte sur mon profil à intervalle régulier et “like” automatiquement…
Photos that I like
Facebook has a default search proposition called “Photos that I like“. Since the [loveMachine] is doing its share of likes every day, I wanted to have a look. And for the most part, I have no idea what it is going on.
If you don’t share any love, you don’t get any friends
Or why a sudden decrease of daily friend requests got me thinking that the [loveMachine] wasn’t running anymore. I’ve been running a script for about 8 months now that logs into my Facebook account and automatically likes everything it sees in my home timeline. This activity generates a lot of clicks on my behalf, around…
Médor est un canard
Au pays du surréalisme, un groupe de coopérants veut mettre le monde du journalisme et de l’édition sur sa tête. Et pour cela, il a besoin de nous. Médor est un projet porté par 17 personnes, journalistes et graphistes, dont le but est de produire un magazine trimestriel d’investigation tourné vers la Belgique. Grâce aux…