This is the personal weblog of Julien Deswaef (aka. @xuv).
It started in June 2010, on now defunct Posterous, with the need to feed different social media platforms with curated links, mostly for friends. Since I didn’t want to spend time to share the same webthings over and over again, the approach « Post once, share everywhere » promoted by Posterous, seemed like the perfect solution. But like so many nice webthings, Posterous was bought, and then they were shut down (EEE).
The long history of clever online services sold and destroyed made me want to self-host more and more my tools of choice whenever possible. And that’s the main reason, I initially customized a WordPress installation to function like a Posterous-clone. I called this project PosterPress. And it’s been sitting under ever since. Slowly, it started loosing its auto cross-posting features, but gaining many ways to subscribe.
The content of this weblog evolved, multiple times. From just a paste-here-copy-everywhere type of approach, it became a space where @xuv writes about his own work, research or moods without feeling any pressure to deliver at a certain rate, but never fully disappearing either.
« J’écris aussi parfois en français, en fonction du sujet, de mon humeur ou des lecteurices auxquel·le·s je m’adresse»
If you want to know more about my work, see my webportfolio at I also keep a public list of bookmarks at I also maintain a blog on humans and robots conflicting relations at
Contact Julien
by email / Deltachat at julien [~at~]
- Don’t add this email to your mailing-list or newsletter without prior consent.
- Don’t reach out for banner or link exchange.
- Signed and encrypted emails are highly appreciated.
on Mastodon / Fediverse ⁂ / Social Web at