Yesterday, I’ve pushed online the code for what I call the RaspiVJ, a minimal VJ application for the Raspberry Pi.
The idea was to build a portable and lightweight VJ set up that could be versatile enough to adapt to multiple situtations and configurations. So the Raspberry Pi, as a small and cheap computer, seemed a good candidate. It can already play videos up to an HD format and can connect to a screen via HDMI or RCA (for those old televisions).
Inspired by PocketVJ, everything runs from the Raspberry Pi. All is needed is a smartphone, tablet or computer to connect to the web interface of Raspivj and then be able to manipulate the videos and switch between clips.
The difference with PocketVJ so far, is that it behaves more like a VJ application. You can quickly switch between clips, crossfade between two videos and fade to black.
I’ve already been using this application during a live show with the band Left Arm of Buddha. And I think it could be the perfect tool for young bands, performers or musicians that would like to play videos during their shows with a bit of control over the playback, while still being simple to use and easy to set up.
Technically, a node.js server sends the interface to the user’s browser and communicates any action from that user to a custom video player (coded with openFrameworks and ofxOMXPlayer).
So all you’ll need is a Wifi dongle for the Raspberry Pi (or a network cable), some cables to connect the Raspberry Pi to a screen or projector and a smart device to access the webpage that acts as the interface.
The code is released on github as open source under an MIT license. Right now, you have to go through a somewhat lengthy process to install the application. But I’m planning to make a plug-and-play image that you will just have to burn on an empty SD card to get running. Just ping me if you’re interested, it would increase my motivation to do so.
Else, if you just like this project or wish their could be more features, don’t hesitate to say hello.