Tag: video
Le statut de l’objet dans une seule photographie
Titre pompeux et prétentieux pour cet article qui est loin d’analyser le satut de l’objet dans la photographie. Pour une analyse de ce type, je m’en remettrais plutôt à cet excellent blog: l’atelier des icônes, mais je m’éloigne. Ce qui me fascine dans cett vidéo de présentation, c’est à quel point les outils de manipulation…
Paranoid Android #CoverTuesday
Update : Thanks to a comment by Sébastien, I’ve found out that this pianist seems to have taken inspiration from Brad Mehldau. Cover of cover of cover… While searching for song covers for this weekly #CoverTuesday, I often end up watching total strangers covering famous songs in different ways. Most of the time, it’s not…
Kenneth Goldsmith about Ubuweb
[…] Ubuweb ignores copyright. […] We just act like copyright doesn’t exists. Copyright, what’s that? Never heard of it. If you don’t know about Ubuweb, it’s because you are new on the internet or are not interested in art, or both. The website, created in 1996 by Kenneth Goldsmith, works as an archieve of films,…
“The Future of Programming”
To my fellow coding and designer friends, this talk by Bret Victor is a must. The most dangerous thought that you can have as a creative person is to think that you know what you are doing. Are we in the future yet? References for "The Future of Programming". ᔥ@gregone
#arduino brush painting machine by @NeuroProd
A drawing tool with a tablet translating “the pen pressure to the brush height/size on [the] machine for more interesting brush strokes.” Kris Temmerman (@NeuroProd), the creator, shares his schematics and code on his website. ᔥVormplus.
“Beatbox” by Diego Paonessa
La Capella | Diego Paonessa. Beat Box (vos english) from Barcelona Cultura on Vimeo. I’ve met Diego at Interactivos?13 and was lucky to see him present his project “Beatbox”. I let you discover it through the video and his website presenting the project. I like the fact that it sounded like flamenco. The very walls…
Tango #drawing
ᔥLuc Lamy.
Formidable @stromae
Edit 2013-05-27: Stromae has released the “official” video clip for the song. Which is great. Stromae is the Remi Gaillard of Belgium.
Melon: a #kinect based controller
Melon is a piece of software developped by François Zajéga at Numédiart, Mons, Belgium. And Melon is a piece of software to help designers and creators set up the kinect as a controller for any interactive project requiring this type of 3D camera interface. The software is build to be user friendly and can send…
PIMP #CoverTuesday
This is the cover that wants to sound like it’s the original. I don’t know where 50 cent got his sample from, but this wordless cover of P.I.M.P. woud be perfect with a mojito on this sunny *cough* afternoon.
3615 internet
En 1995, France Télécom a la ferme intention d’interdire internet en France. Sisi! Mais Valentin Lacambre, qui est plus malin que France Télécom à lui tout seul, s’en rend propriétaire… d’internet… la marque. Sisi! C’est la connerie du dimanche (enfin, ça dépend d’où on se place) pour vous signaler ce documentaire “Une contre histoire des…
The User is Drunk #oupas
How to think about interface design.