[…] Ubuweb ignores copyright. […] We just act like copyright doesn’t exists. Copyright, what’s that? Never heard of it.
If you don’t know about Ubuweb, it’s because you are new on the internet or are not interested in art, or both. The website, created in 1996 by Kenneth Goldsmith, works as an archieve of films, poetry, sounds, papers, etc. and is an incredible ressource of rare pieces from artists like John Cage, Jean Dubuffet and many others.
For a series of films called “Giving What You Don‘t Have“, Cornelia Sollfrank has interviewed the founder of Ubu and has talked with him about the history, the motivations and implications of running a site like this.
What I’ve found incredible in this interview is how much you can relate the history of Ubuweb with the history of the web. Of course, Ubu has been there for 17 years and is definitely a part of it, but Kenneth’s Ubu story, as he states it, really functions as a metaphor of the short history of internet and we all should deeply learn from him.
Fuck the cloud