Category: !me
Citation de Gregory Chatonsky
Vectofascisme : Néologisme désignant une forme contemporaine de fascisme qui s’adapte aux moyens de communication et aux structures sociales de l’ère numérique, caractérisée par la vectorisation (direction, intensité, propagation) de l’information et du pouvoir à l’ère de l’IA.
Quoting Sonia Shah
Human mobility is fundamental to our biological resilience. Our capacity to cooperate across geographic barriers relies on the cultural connections forged by people on the move, injecting genetic and cultural diversity into otherwise insular societies. Migration is the planet’s connective tissue. It’s not the crisis we reflexively imagine it to be. In a rapidly changing…
Citation de Antoinette Rouvroy
[…] la gouvernementalité algorithmique n’est pas tout à fait un pouvoir politique mais plutôt un système immunitaire développé par le capitalisme pour lutter contre tout ce qui pourrait le mettre en crise. Les êtres humains ne sont capables de se rebeller que s’ils deviennent des sujets à part entière. Or la technologie vient les saisir…
Quoting Henry Farrell
Large Models should not be viewed primarily as intelligent agents, but as a new kind of cultural and social technology, allowing humans to take advantage of information other humans have accumulated. […] Our central point here is not just that these technological innovations, like all other innovations, will have cultural and social consequences. Rather we…
Barefoot developers
[L]ocal software that means software that is built close to the home and serves the needs of the home. It’s software someone might build for themselves, their family and friends, their neighborhood and community. It solves local problems for local people.
Citation de Gregory Chatonsky
C’est qu’une nouvelle dialectique du maître et de l’esclave à l’ère des intelligences artificielles se met en œuvre. Une dialectique extrêmement trouble où on ne sait plus qui maîtrise l’autre, qui est programmé et qui est programmateur parce que les procédures relationnelles entre l’être humain et la machine semblent s’étendre à toute chose. Dans cette…
Quoting Joan Westenberg
The technical sophistication of the heist doesn’t make it any less of a heist.
Quoting Will Lockett
Musk isn’t an engineer and doesn’t understand iterative design, and now SpaceX and NASA are facing a sunk cost fallacy. You never achieve iterative design with a full-scale prototype. It is incredibly wasteful and can lead you down several problematic and dead-end solutions. I used to engineer high-speed boats — another weight- and safety-sensitive engineering field. We…
Killing in the cover
La Maison Tellier totally kills this cover of the unforgettable Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine1.
Mechanical 3D Printer
Using gravity and mechanisms inspired by the mechanical clocks, Daniel de Bruin created this analog 3D printer. ↬ @raphaelbastide
43 covers 50 cents
Machine learning voice synthesis does wonders these days. ↬
Cats Dominoes
Explosive combination of cats playing with dominoes in a wonderful Rube Goldberg inspired contraption. ~Luc (video source)