Author: julien
Rendering WordWars on radiators
TL;DR: Testing the private beta Python API from Qarnot About a month ago, while keeping an eye on the Libre Software Meeting (RMLL) in Beauvais and watching the news about WordWars spread on some blogs and magazine, I stumbled on a video presentation about open source software tools for animators and Blender 3D rendering using…
Ma collection de portables timbrés
Dans tous les brols que je peux alimenter sur le web, il y a entre autre, ce compte Instagram, démarré à Leipzig il y a un peu plus d’un an. J’y collectionne, au gré de mes balades, des couvertures de portables couverts d’autocollants, une pratique assez répandues chez les bidouilleurs informatiques. On a déjà comparé…
Collaborative tools for designers − part 5 : Adobe Creative Cloud
Episode 5 already. Damn, so many collaborative tools for designers. Yes. And this post is about the one everybody talks about, but what they are actually referring to is something else: Adobe Creative Cloud. Let me rephrase that. When you tell people you are trying out Adobe’s cloud, they think you are using Photoshop or…
Collaborative tools for designers: part 4
TL;DR: Tools I will not review and why. Three weeks ago, I started a series of publications regarding tools that encourage collaborative practices for designers and that use some form of versioning at their core. You can read the previous chapters and especially the first one to understand what I’m looking for (links to part…
Collaborative tools for designers – Part 3 : Pixelapse
Reviewing tools for collaborative practices and version control for designers, this is episode III. And to my surprise, I’ve discovered Pixelapse, an online tool that promises to do just that. It’s been a while since I had found about Pixelapse, but never took the chance to study it deeper until last week. Mainly because they…
Collaborative tools for designers – Part 2 : Dropbox
Last week, I promised I would be exploring some of the tools promoted as helping designers in their revision control and collaborative process and that I would do this by comparing them to a list of benefits I extracted from my use of Git. So in this post, I’ll be reviewing the (in-?) famous Dropbox.…
Collaborative tools for designers – Part 1
Since I’ve discovered and used distributed revision control in my day to day practice, I’ve been amazed by how much it has helped me getting more organized, stop worrying about loosing files and also encouraged me to experiment more and thus try more options in my work. And I’m not even talking about how it…
Making of “Word Wars- News from the Empire”
Sharing here my thought and tool process that brought me to create the project called “Word Wars – News from the Empire“. I’ve been playing around for a while with Blender scripting and even organized monthly workshops about it to share the experience with other artists in a group called “Blender-Brussels“. And since the beginning…
“moDernisT” et le fantôme du MP3
“moDernisT” a été créé en récupérant les sons et images perdus lors de la compression en mp3 et mp4. La bande sonore est composée par Ryan Maguire à partir des pertes dues à la compression du morceau “Tom’s Diner”, de Suzanne Vega. Ce morceau n’a pas été choisi par hasard puisqu’on appellera plus tard son…
Dessiner contre une fourmi
Un petit jeu de dessin avec l’aide involontaire d’une fourmi. J’ai tendance à penser que c’est un petit peu cruel, mais en même temps mon esprit pétille à cette possibilité créative. Quando il limite è soltanto una questione mentale :) Posted by Blogo on Saturday, June 27, 2015 Si la vidéo ne s’affiche pas, le…
Star Wars blended
All 6 Star Wars films, blended together on top of each other, is a brilliant readymade mashup of this iconic universe by Georges Lucas. To me, it sounds like the perfect thing to display at the next VJ fest, as is. It also produces beautiful stills that any glitch/collage artist should be jealous of. But…
Constant V (Venster/Vitrine)
Ami Bruxellois, ne loupe pas l’occasion ce vendredi jeudi (18/06/2015) d’aller voir la vitrine de Constant. Tu y seras bien reçu et tu pourras même y boire un verre. De plus, c’est juste à côté du Verschueren, si jamais ta soif était trop grande. Je t’invite à y aller, pour découvrir Constant et pour y…