Author: julien

  • Dessiner contre une fourmi

    Un petit jeu de dessin avec l’aide involontaire d’une fourmi. J’ai tendance à penser que c’est un petit peu cruel, mais en même temps mon esprit pétille à cette possibilité créative. Quando il limite è soltanto una questione mentale :) Posted by Blogo on Saturday, June 27, 2015 Si la vidéo ne s’affiche pas, le…

  • Star Wars blended

    All 6 Star Wars films, blended together on top of each other, is a brilliant readymade mashup of this iconic universe by Georges Lucas. To me, it sounds like the perfect thing to display at the next VJ fest, as is. It also produces beautiful stills that any glitch/collage artist should be jealous of. But…

  • Constant V (Venster/Vitrine)

    Ami Bruxellois, ne loupe pas l’occasion ce vendredi jeudi (18/06/2015) d’aller voir la vitrine de Constant. Tu y seras bien reçu et tu pourras même y boire un verre. De plus, c’est juste à côté du Verschueren, si jamais ta soif était trop grande. Je t’invite à y aller, pour découvrir Constant et pour y…

  • #uHbench map

    A map of known places where urban hacker benches have been built. A workshop and exhibition of the uHbench project has been scheduled in Constant VZW at the end of this week. For that, they’ve asked me to produce 2 posters that will be displayed along the benches built for the occasion. One of the…

  • Blender shortcuts right in your search engine

    Two months ago, I attended a community meetup in NY called Quack & Hack. The point of it was to gather people around coding to improve the DuckDuckGo search engine. If you don’t know DuckDuckGo (DDG) by now, it’s the “search engine that does not track you”. And it’s been my tool of choice when…

  • “Typography is basically two-dimentional architecture” — Hermann Zapf

    A lesson by Master ès typography, Hermann Zapf (November 8, 1918 – June 4, 2015)

  • I finished Facebook #orSoIThought

    On May 27th, I’ve finished The stupidest game on Facebook. I was silently running this little self-amusing game since the 15th of May and then, later on, opened the process publicly. In the end, it took me less than 15 days to fill up to 99 the most famous 3 icons that you find on…

  • The stupidest game on Facebook

    and you don’t need to install any app for it. While contemplating the most watched icons on Facebook, it became obvious to me that this was an actual Facebook score. I’ve always believed Facebook is a game. And therefore, it should not be taken seriously. Any other use of Facebook would be foolish. So these…

  • T’as vu où vont les touristes

    Bruxelles Eric Fischer s’est amusé à reprendre toutes les données de géolocalisation des photos de touristes postées sur Flickr et à tracer les trajets de ces visiteurs “anonymes” sur une carte mondiale. Du coup, d’étranges diagrammes retracent ces lieux, comme si on avait mécaniquement marqué au stylo bille ces passages obligés. Barcelona New York La…

  • SLWX Doc − “Part of the Weekend Never Dies”

    You know Soulwax, of course you do. Maybe you know them more under the name of 2ManyDjs. Well, they’ve released on Vimeo, free to view, the documentary they made about their tour.Filmed with just one camera, it depicts the lives of these 2 Belgian music geniuses on a world tour of 120 locations. Personally, I…

  • Cycloid Drawing Machine

    As if it’s coming back from the old ages, the Spirograph has been upgraded. And it’s creator is even seeking funding for it. I like how the video even looks like it’s been shot with an old VHS camera. Source: The Automata Blog

  • Il y a de la poésie dans un sèche-cheveux

    Je vais encore piquer un lien à Prosthetic Knowledge, ce terrible blog d’art et de nouvelles technologies dont on se demande où ils vont chercher tout ça. Ici, il s’agit d’un projet d’installation de Blizzard Concept, qui apparemment n’en est pas à son premier essai avec les sèche-cheveux. Ce projet allie magie nouvelle et arts…