Author: julien
100 pains
L’histoire banale d’un type qui reçoit un livre sur le levain et décide de pousser son boulanger à la banqueroute, un pain dans la tronche à la fois.
FediTree, the ActivityPub app that I’m missing
I’m truly in awe with all the amazing apps that populate the Fediverse. I, myself, use a few: Mastodon, Peertube, WordPress and Bookwyrm. And I’m sometimes tempted to expand my portfolio with a Lemmy, Flipboard or Postmarks account. But I’m concerned the people who enjoy following my activities might get lost in this forest.
One simple addition to your WiFi fixes a privacy leak
Your WiFi router is leaking its precise location… but you can easily change that. Recently, researchers discovered that Apple was leaking every WiFi router’s precise latitude and longitude to anyone who would ask. They even send you the location of the 400 closest WiFi routers around it. If you are interested in the technical details…
Originality report
Currently attending an online course at the University of Maastricht. When I enrolled in the class, I got an email insisting on ethical principles and letting me know that plagiarism wasn’t tolerated and could result in my exclusion from the course. I wasn’t expecting this, although I fully agree with those principles. I don’t remember…
Killing in the cover
La Maison Tellier totally kills this cover of the unforgettable Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine1.
2023 resolutions
I thought I’d share with you some objectives I have for this year. So maybe I can also reference this post during the year and keep you updated about how things go. Here are 5 things I’ve promised myself to do by the end of 2023. Le casino en ligne Ruby Fortune Canada vous propose…
Sousveillance time with PineTime
After spending a few months with a Pinetime around my wrist, I thought I’d share some impressions about this open source smartwatch, with integrated step counter and heart rate sensor.
DeltaChat : la messagerie instantanée pour tou·te·s
Depuis la débâcle de Whatsapp, suite à leur changement de conditions d’utilisation, et le ras-le-bol général de se faire détrousser les données par des vendeurs de temps de cerveau disponible, beaucoup de personnes se demandent vers quelle application de messagerie se tourner. Au royaume des alternatives les moins connues, DeltaChat pourrait bien être la plus…
I’ve just submitted a short (255 characters) piece of code to be displayed on the media facade of the Medialab Prado in Madrid. The code is available on p5js online editor: and you will be able to see it running from there by pressing the pink play button. If you’d like to participate, the…
Mechanical 3D Printer
Using gravity and mechanisms inspired by the mechanical clocks, Daniel de Bruin created this analog 3D printer. ↬ @raphaelbastide