Author: julien
Portraits of the Next Iterations
The Next Iterations is over and deployed as an intense couple days of presentations and workshops, all confined behind our screens. This on-camera setting is a blessing for free portrait drawing.
Next Iterations
Join me online this Sunday May 17, 2020 to participate in the Next Iterations. Iterations consists of a series of artist residencies, exhibitions, reflection meetings and exchanges that take place between 2017 and 2020. Artists and cultural practitioners are welcomed in situations to experiment with and reflect on what the future of collectivity, sharing and…
43 covers 50 cents
Machine learning voice synthesis does wonders these days. ↬
Cats Dominoes
Explosive combination of cats playing with dominoes in a wonderful Rube Goldberg inspired contraption. ~Luc (video source)
Zoom drawings
At the multinational corp, I don’t always get to join meetings where I need to be active. Sometimes, I might just be there in case there is a question for me. So when those meetings are remote, I found a new way to beat the feeling of wasting my time. I draw portraits of my…
En ce jour palindromique, une pensée un peu spéciale me vient à l’esprit pour ces jeunes nés le 02/02/02 qui aujourd’hui atteignent leur majorité. Quelle chance vous avez d’avoir une date d’anniversaire aussi simple à écrire.
Funk N’ Roses – Sweet Cover o’ Mine
(video source)
Michel Paysant – “Dessiner avec les yeux”
/merci @luc
History of the Alphabet
Where does our Latin alphabet comes from? Why are letters in that order? Why do they have these shapes? The symbol for the ox gave the A.The symbol for the house, gave the B.… Fascinating story told by Matt Baker.
I haven’t posted in a long time
A kind of (brazilian) magic
Some say that the blog format is dead, but I would not turn off my RSS feed reader for anything in the world. There is some blogs I’ve been following ten years. And in the ever changing landscape of social media, I’ve always come back to the blogs to find peace. This is still true…