Tag: video
Chris Burden − Metropolis II kinetic sculpture
via ponoko.com
C’est fini, je ne joue plus au bâton sauteur. Je laisse ça aux robots.
via youtube.com Je me concentre plutôt sur essayer de vous faire un post par jour. Pas facile. :)
Water Sculpture by Shinichi Maruyama
via vimeo.com
Pas A Pas − a design project for education (via @chrisoshea)
“Pas A Pas is an interactive educational tool for schools that enables children to learn and experiment with different sets of elements using animation. (…) [It] has been conceived and developed by Ishac Bertran as a final project at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.” via pasapas-project.com
I live in a banana kingdom
View it with French or English subtitles here: http://universalsubtitles.org/videos/mQMJiwWDtPAG/ Sorry. Posterous doesn’t want me to embed videos from http://universalsubtitles.org Bad posterous. Bad. Update: Everybody starts to talk about it… 2 sites calling for actions: http://www.camping16.be/ & http://230111.be/
Ça a 30 ans… mais c’est pas un tapis.
via youtube.com
Christian Guémy − C215 − pochoiriste humaniste
via vimeo.com
Une journée de boulot avec @mrSaule et ses Pls
via youtube.com Compressée en 5 minutes, voilà a quoi ça peut ressembler. PS: c’était la dernière. :)
Don’t f**k with a hacker’s machine (via @marcan42)
via youtube.com
Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse − for those who missed it (like me)
via vimeo.com For those who missed it (like me)
Cleveland Harbor Lighthouse covered in ice
via boston.com
via graffitiprinter.com