Tag: pic
The frequency of love
Exactly 10 days after the official launch of the [loveMachine], I thought I might give you a little data feedback of the project. Yes, the graphic displayed here, is the real one (made with 3d.js). As you can see, I’m running the script every 3 hours or so and the number of likes varies, going…
« Facebook is engineering relationships » − Joanne Mcneil
We kind of know this, because this is the main reason why people get (and stay) on Facebook: to get in touch with people. But how far is this “engineering” carried on by Facebook and how long are we going to be, if not comfortable, at least under the influence of it. Thanks to a…
Please, Make Everything OK
Follow link for the full experience. The magic button — Make Everything OK.
F_c*book #glitch movie
If you’re not on Facebook, you’ve been preserved from the “Check my Facebook movie” craze. To make it short, THE social network has been creating a 1 minute movie for each of its users, slideshowing selected pictures and words over an annoying piano music. Well, someone had to do glitch version of it. Something finally…
#FB 10y – #lvMchn 0d
Been waiting for this day for the past 2 months. It’s Facebook’s 10 years birthday today. What’s that all about, you might ask? And you’d be right. I don’t work at Facebook and don’t own a share. So, why would I care? Well, it’s just that I thought it would be the best day to…
Facebook warning haiku
Since I started firing up the loveMachine on my Facebook profile, I get error messages and warning popups from time to time. Although I’m trying to predict and circumvent these occurrences, it really feels like playing darts in a crowded pub during a power outage. Keepinq track and keeping you informed about this project, here’s…
Y U No Like ?
As a social & artistic experiment, I’ve been running for the past couple weeks a script called [loveMachine] on my Facebook profile. To say it quickly without blinking, the script takes over my account and likes everything that is showing up on my timeline, be it friends posts, pictures, spotify playlists or even friends of…
Merci, mais t’es qui?
Depuis la reprise du projet [loveMachine], je reçois des messages, des questions et des réactions sous différentes formes mais tournant toujours autour de ces simples phrases: “t’es qui?”, “tu fais quoi ?” ou “pourquoi ?”. Voici donc un texte de réponse à l’un de ces messages. Je le poste ici un peu comme une référence, un début…
Ceci n’est pas Juego Requiem
Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, mon nom affiché sur Facebook est Juego Requiem et depuis la mi-janvier, j’ai repris une expérience sociale, artistique et interactive que je nomme [loveMachine]. Dans le principe, grâce à la programmation, j’ai décidé d’automatiser mes actions de gratification sur “LE” réseau social. En gros, “je like tout”, tout…
Your (best) friend was replaced by a bot…
…and your only way to tell is because he compulsively likes everything you do. Yes, how else would you know? We give our lives, our thoughts, our likes, our preferences, our contacts, our agenda, our locations, our family pictures,… to the insatiable ogre we call social media. We give it so much, it knows more…
Lego typography
Found a big lego bag in some basement years ago. Finally washed, bleached and bathed many times. Plus some hours into building the thing. Xmas present for an 8 year old. Decoration for his bedroom.
Baroque Breakcore
C’est Igorrr, auteur de “Tout petit moineau” qui classe sa propre musique sous cette charmante appellation. Rien de moins pour pousser ma curiosité et partager en mode Noël. Cadeau. Si tu rentres bourré ce soir, pousse le son à fond, ça désaoule. audio source.