Category: /me
Presentation of the uHbench at @MedialabPrado #Madrid
A record of my 10 minutes presentation of the uHbench, the open hardware public bench, during Libre Graphics Meeting at Medialab Prado. I’m talking about inspiration, creation, publication and use cases. The slides are here if you want to look at them. uHbench: open source hardware public bench – Medialab-Prado Madrid.
#Interactivos?’13: Final presentations at @MedialabPrado
Here’s the video from the last day presentations of the Interactivos?’13 workshop at Medialab Prado, Madrid. 10 projects have been developped during these 2 weeks. I’m planning on blogging more extensively about some of them. But for now, if you want to have a quick idea of what came out of this intensive workshop, sit…
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 : Day 4
Storified by Juego· Sat, Apr 13 2013 16:59:28 open source design. #madrid #architecture #lgm13Kat Braybrooke Last day, for me, started with the Inkscape related talks. There were talks before that, but woke up late.Tavmjong Bah talked about the coming features in 0.49. And he told me, in one to one conversation, that it could be…
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: Day 3
Fonts, fonts, fonts, open hardware and education. Storified by Juego· Sat, Apr 13 2013 01:33:48 The day started with the Oswald font creator, Vernon Adams, talking about libre fonts and the opportunities it creates for font designers, quoting Johanna Blakley’s “virtues of copying in fashion design”. Cultura libre y la copia como incentivos en el…
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: day 2
Second day of Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 at Medialab Prado Storified by Juego· Thu, Apr 11 2013 14:59:10 Following yesterday’s report, this is still a personal point of view of the event (with the help of others through social media) #LGM13 Day2. Interactivos’?13 Projects Presentation // Dia2. Preseantación de Proyectos de Interactivos’?13.Jennifer Dopazo Morning presentations…
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: Day 1
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 opens at Medialab Prado, Madrid. Edité par Juego· Wed, Apr 10 2013 16:04:11 During 4 days, starting this 10 April 2013, the Libre Graphics Meeting will gather around 300 people to speak, share, work and exchange ideas around free culture and the (future) tools that make it happend. As a participant,…
uHbench & #OSHW furniture at @medialabprado #LGM13
In preparation of the Libre Graphics Meeting (#LGM13), I was invited by the Medialab Prado to host an open source hardware public bench (uHbench) workshop. El colectivo Zuloark from Madrid came with tools and lots of hands to build ~40 benches, tables and other interesting lounge chairs. Thanks to the OSP crew for diving in…
Teaser: Timelapse “Dessin au kicker”
Dans la série “Comment ne pas dessiner“, voici un “teaser” de mon dernier projet: “Dessin au kicker”. Cette vidéo est un enregistrement, à raison d’une image toutes les secondes, de la mise en place de cette performance. Le projet sera mis en ligne sur ce blog un peu plus tard. C’était juste pour vous mettre…
Blender bpy/bge Brussels Workshop 2013-03-29: zoom
Last friday was our monthly Blender workshop and the day before, my attention was attracted by this post on Reddit. Rorts was mentioning this intriguing video “Zooms From Nowhere” by Chris Timms and was wondering how to do something like that in Blender. I thought this might be a good challenge for the Blender bpy/bge…
Old Joy + Requiem4Tv (video report) 2013-03-23
Last saturday, we were at Sign6 playing and veejaying (live coding) in front of a small audience. Here’s a small video report kindly recorded by Fred Monnoye with his iPhone. So quality is not right there, but you can have a feel of what it was like. This was a first for Sébastien (Old Joy)…
Stick shift #drawing 2013-03-24
Après quelques essais infructueux, voici enfin un enregistrement video d’un dessin au changement de vitesse. Mon projet, au départ, impliquait trois webcams. Mais bizarrement, alors que tout fonctionne sur mon bureau, une fois installé dans la voiture, une des webcams refusait systématiquement d’enregistrer les images (les mystères du code). Évidemment, c’est moins pratique de débuguer…
OLD JOY + Requiem4Tv @ Sign6
Ce samedi 23 mars 2013, dans le cadre de Bruxelles Bienvenue, je ferai du “live coding” de visuels sur la musique live de OLD JOY. Une première rencontre et expérience entre Sébastion et moi-même. 22H, Entrée gratuite, BYOB (Bring Your Own Beer). Sign 6 − 99, Rue de Fierlant − 1190 Forest.