Author: julien
Master Blaster #CoverTuesday
La machine à tube, Stevie Wonder, publie l’originale en 1980, en hommage à Bob. Ici, version épurée par Jehro.
La manipulation photographique comme caricature
Quelques images de @xortrox font le tour des réseaux sociaux pour le moment. Ce qui m’a donné envie de m’intéresser au départ à son tumblr et ensuite au personnage. Cette crapule, comme il se définit lui-même sur son mail, tient à rester anonyme. L’anonymat était indispensable au départ afin d’éviter de ne compter parmi mes…
Autonomous #Drawing Machines by Echo Yang
So simple yet so joyful. More excellent work on his website: Echo Yang
Didier Super censuré par @LePoint
Je ne résiste pas à vous recopier ici la réponse du Didier Super à un sondage du journal Le Point à propos du statut d’intermittent du spectacle. Voici la question du journal: “Êtes-vous favorable à la proposition du Medef d’en finir avec le régime des intermittents du spectacle ?” La réponse de Didier vaut son…
SunShame #CoverTuesday
Already posted a cover of Such a shame. But this one is so different in tone, I could not resist. video source
A clock that plots time. ᔥlaughingsquid.
#Facebook rules of play
Facebook is a theater and whether you acknowledge it or not, you’re playing a role. Many marketeers will tell you it’s better to know the rules of social media to get the best of it, but we do not all have something to sell here, even if we are certainly being sold. You might say…
Little Wing #CoverTuesday
Original by Jimi Hendrix, covered by many Video source.
Brussels swings in the cracks
BXL swings in the cracks, which for now has only a Facebook page (damnit!) describes itself as: Collective who up-cycles waste (scrap wood, discarded domestic furniture, …) into parasite interventions with the aim to vitalize public spaces. For obvious reasons and relations to my uHbench project, I immediately fell in love with this group and…
The frequency of love
Exactly 10 days after the official launch of the [loveMachine], I thought I might give you a little data feedback of the project. Yes, the graphic displayed here, is the real one (made with 3d.js). As you can see, I’m running the script every 3 hours or so and the number of likes varies, going…
« Facebook is engineering relationships » − Joanne Mcneil
We kind of know this, because this is the main reason why people get (and stay) on Facebook: to get in touch with people. But how far is this “engineering” carried on by Facebook and how long are we going to be, if not comfortable, at least under the influence of it. Thanks to a…
Call Me #CoverTuesday
Original by Blondie (video source)