Author: julien

  • 100 views of summertime

    Is George Gershwin’s “Summertime” the Mount Fuji of music covers? Looking for a cover I heard on the radio this morning, I stumbled on this blog that lists a hundred versions of the song. Apart from Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Mahalia Jackson or Ray Charles, I didn’t expect to find the Doors, R.E.M. or Morcheeba…

  • Presentation de la [loveMachine] @RecyclartBXL

    Ce jeudi 17 avril 2014, courte présentation de la [loveMachine] lors d’une soirée #LOOP organisée chez Recyclart. Les #LOOP, c’est une série de présentations ultracourtes sur des projets expérimentaux développés dans l’atelier ‘Variable‘ à Schaerbeek. Variable est un atelier collectif à Schaerbeek qui héberge Open Source Publishing, Open Hardware Lab, Libre Video Lab et Open…

  • Finally Facebook implements the “dislike”… but it’s complicated

    Since all my likes are handled by the [loveMachine], I found myself looking for other things to do on Facebook. That’s when I stumbled on the (hidden) “dislike” function. Since it’s a long awaited feature, I must warn you that it’s not as easy as the “like”. It requires at least 3 clicks, works only…

  • No alarms & no surprises

    Bring down the government They don’t, they don’t speak for us Cover of Radiohead by Regina Spektor.

  • Libre Graphics Meeting 2014 from social media

    In Leipzig for a couple of days, attending the Libre Graphics Meeting. It’s a yearly gathering of coders, users, developpers and designers of free software, all revolving around graphic design and other visually related free culture projects. For those attending or not, I’ve created a page that collects all (or most of) the tweets, pics,…

  • « Il invente une Love Machine pour Facebook » −

    Dans la DH de ce 31 mars 2014, une demie page sur la [loveMachine]. La version en ligne, si vous êtes abonnés.

  • Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine

    A lot more great stuff like this on Richard Cheese’s soundcloud.

  • J’ai augmenté ma pression sociale de 1 dunbar

    Depuis que j’ai lancé le projet [loveMachine], j’ai reçu 148 demandes d’amis sur Facebook. En moyenne, donc, 3 demandes par jour. Toutes acceptées sans conditions. 148, c’est justement le nombre maximum d’amis avec lesquels une personne peut entretenir une relation stable à un moment donné de sa vie. Quantité définie par Robin Dunbar, un anthropologue…

  • #CoverTuesday d’un Grand Malade

    Cover Tuesday un peu spéciale aujourd’hui. Courte. La version longue, celle qui a tout fait démarrer est là. Bref, mon poulain, Grand Malade, qui reprend Grand Jojo depuis qu’il a l’âge de boire des bières (et dans le Borinage, c’est jeune cet âge là), bref, mon poulain a débloqué “le boss de dernier niveau” ce…

  • Blender-Brussels “lookback” workshop

    Last saturday, we had our monthly Blender BPY/BGE workshop where we explore creative coding through the use of Python in the context of Blender. This time, the workshop was called “Blender lookback“, mocking the famous “Facebook lookback”. The goal was to explore the Blender video sequencer to automate the creation of video clips based on…

  • 30.000 likes later

    Since all we can see on Facebook is just profiles, I thought I’d share, in the form of a gallery, some of the “unusual” ones the [loveMachine] has brought me to interact with. This is a gallery of caricatures, of course. It doesn’t point to anyone in particular, although you might recognize a friend or…

  • You should not post things that you don’t want to be liked

    This may seem obvious and biased, since it might only apply on Facebook. We do have different degrees of intimacy with our relations. Yet another obvious statement. But on social media, this seems to be totally ignored or, at least, not under our responsibility anymore. On Facebook, we have close friends, lovers, ex-lovers, colleagues and…