Presentation of the [loveMachine] is in a couple hours at Recyclart and I thought it would be great to use the Facebook itself as presentation tool. So the obvious choice was to create a set of pictures and upload them as an album. Once the first picture of the album is shown, I could even put it “fullscreen” and navigate between the slides with the direction keys from the keyboard.
Since I uploaded everything on the FB fan page of the loveMachine, I don’t even need to be logged in to access them. So any computer could be used.
A funny trick is, during the presentation, people with FB accounts could like the slides and post comments on them.
Here under, I pasted the <embed> code to display the album. Looks like it’s working, until you click on a picture. Everything turns white on my computer. Is it working for any of you? To me, these <embed> codes by FB are nothing but half way done. And I’ve nevel seen anyone using it.