It’s not really a bot, but it’s a start

So I’m planning to write a small bot that will interact with my fb_friends and I’ve just started writing it but can’t wait to share it with you. It’s also a test for me, as I’m planning on documenting this experiment at about every step (if I manage to keep interest in it).

Right now, it doesn’t do much:

  1. It logs in my account on Facebook
  2. Finds the 1st “like” button available and clicks it
  3. Posts a “Hello World” as a status
  4. Logs out 

Nothing fancy, but this takes roughly 3 seconds. :)

If you wish to try it out for yourself, here is the file

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All you’ll need to do is install the Selenium extension for firefox, load this file, place your Facebook login and password in the right field and hit “Play”. (You need to be logged out out of Facebook first in order to make it work but you can play the script from web page your on.)

Here’s a screenshot of sellenium loaded with it to help you out.


Hope you like it. :)

Oh yes, almost forgot. This is all open source software. So, do whatever, but it’s at your own risk ;)



