Tag: social
ExTwitter Cleanup
With recent political events surrounding ExTwitter’s owner, I wanted to take one extra step to terminate all relationships with this enterprise and, from my little corner of the Internet, stop supporting the actions of a technofacist king.
Fronting social surveillance
A new breed of open source web applications are popping up and gaining momentum among privacy concerned citizens. They’re called Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit or Scribe. Their main purpose is to propose alternative interfaces to “corporate social media”.
Libre Graphics Meeting 2014 from social media
In Leipzig for a couple of days, attending the Libre Graphics Meeting. It’s a yearly gathering of coders, users, developpers and designers of free software, all revolving around graphic design and other visually related free culture projects. For those attending or not, I’ve created a page that collects all (or most of) the tweets, pics,…
Critical engineers hands on #Google #Glass
Update: This story has been republished on creativeapplications.net [View the story “Critical engineers’ hands on #Google #Glass” on Storify]
Byebye @Delicious, bonjour Shaarli.
Depuis 6 ans que j’utilise Delicious (depuis le 22/02/2006, exactement), j’y ai rassemblé +/- 2000 liens, vu passé 3 propriétaires et dû me faire à 3 interfaces graphiques. Je crois que de tous les services sur le net, c’est celui que j’utilise depuis le plus longtemps et dont bien évidemment je n’arrive pas à me…