Tag: book
Tintin en Angola*
(*) = Lapsus d’Hergé dans une lettre à Adolfo Simões Müller, 7 juin 1940. (mise-à-jour: J’ai cru que c’était un lapsus, puisque B. Peeters semble lui-même étonné de cette allusion. Mais il y aurait bien une version de Tintin en Angola datant de 1939.. Hergé savait donc effectivement bien de quoi il parlait.) Par hasard,…
My work printed in the @writtenimages book #126
Some work in progress about this piece here and there About Writtenimages. Proud :-)
All you need to know about #graffiti is in this #book (via @ekosystem)
History of personal printing in one process
“A book printed through a printing chain made of four desktop printers using four different colors and technologies dated from 1880 to 1976. A production process that brings together small scale and large scale production, two sides of the same history. “ Just in Time, or A Short History of Production by xavierantin.fr