Category: en
Highlights of the Blender Conference 2016
Here are three video recordings of presentations done at the latest Blender Conference that I think are worth watching. I’ve never had the chance to attend the Blender Conference, but they have always provided live streaming and published recordings afterwards. The diversity and quality of the presentations invite me every time to go through it.…
A patch for the Github centralization dilemma
Github, with its 75,000,000 repositories, has become a central place for open source development and is well-known for having popularized Git among programmers and other code hungry fellas. The irony is not lost on anyone that we are again relying on a centralized service for our decentralized Git workflow. And as with any centralization comes…
Git versioning and diff visualizing tools for designers
Here is the video of my presentation at the Libre Graphics Meeting 2016, in London. For the most part, I expose my quest for a Git based visualizing tool that could help designers integrate a version control workflow. The slides are viewable from here. You can also download them from this Gitlab repo. If you…
“Pointillism”, live coding at #PdCon16~
IOhannes M Zmölnig is an active member of the Pure Data development scene. So it’s of little surprise that he was attending the Pure Data Conference that just happened last week in NYC. Pure Data (Pd) is a visual programming language […] for creating interactive computer music and multimedia works. − Wikipedia You also might…
Make sharing bookmarks delicious again
One of the pioneers of the web 2.0 was the amazing website. It made sharing bookmarks an incredibly rich and fun experience. With its catchy domain name and well conceived minimalist interface, it attracted a horde of web enthusiasts ready to share their best links with the rest of the world. Although Flickr is…
Les leçons de cinéma de Tony Zhou
Puisqu’on est bien dans une civilisation de l’image et que ça n’a pas l’air de vouloir s’arranger, il est peut-être important de savoir “lire” une image et, peut-être encore plus, de savoir “lire” une image qui bouge. Que ce soit pour les amateurs de cinéma, de vidéo youtube ou d’anime, pour ceux qui veulent en…
How to get the latest Blender running on a Pi
How to get the most up-to-date applications running on a Raspberry Pi and other ARM based single boards computers? Update 25 Oct 2016: I have written a small step by step tutorial to get you through the install process on a Raspberry Pi 2 and up. It’s available here. Update 16 Feb 2016: Blender 2.76b…
Pen Beats
Just love the scratching sounds…
Leftovers covers
The Leftovers, a somewhat depressive and weird TV series, does an extensive use of covers for their soundtrack. This one by Lo-Fang has turned the upbeat classic from Grease into a slow tempo that fits well the show. Enjoy.
(J) Marcy -> Essex
Love this ride.
Windows Media mashup
This Book is a Camera
“Ceci n’est pas une pipe” pour les photographes amateurs de livres, ou l’inverse. Sténopé pop-up. Source: This Book is a Camera (really) : Kelli Anderson