Tag: map
Link dump from MDRAI
Tonight I attended an event at Elisava organized by the Master in Design for Responsible AI. I gathered a few links from the presentations by Caroline Sinders and Leandro Ucciferri. I’m just going to dump them below to explore later.
Quoting Sonia Shah
Human mobility is fundamental to our biological resilience. Our capacity to cooperate across geographic barriers relies on the cultural connections forged by people on the move, injecting genetic and cultural diversity into otherwise insular societies. Migration is the planet’s connective tissue. It’s not the crisis we reflexively imagine it to be. In a rapidly changing…
One simple addition to your WiFi fixes a privacy leak
Your WiFi router is leaking its precise location… but you can easily change that. Recently, researchers discovered that Apple was leaking every WiFi router’s precise latitude and longitude to anyone who would ask. They even send you the location of the 400 closest WiFi routers around it. If you are interested in the technical details…
“I’m just the observer” – Jerry’s map
ᔥ @vormplus.
Si le plan de NY était étendu au reste du monde, la Grand-Place de #Bruxelles serait à l’angle de 67,350 St. et E 11,724 Ave
Ha oui, et on appelle ça un plan hippodamien. À voir sur: ExtendNY – New York City Extended.
World #map of #zombies according to #Google
/via The Guardian
La carte du monde des pays sans #McDo
Putain d’alter-mondialistes, ils sont tous planqués en Afrique. ;)
#Rorschmap – a #google map #mashup
À explorer ici.
Google maps mashup: les coins les plus photographiés/touristiques selon Panoramio (via @blprnt )
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