Tag: drawing

  • Portraits of the Next Iterations

    The Next Iterations is over and deployed as an intense couple days of presentations and workshops, all confined behind our screens. This on-camera setting is a blessing for free portrait drawing.

  • Zoom drawings

    At the multinational corp, I don’t always get to join meetings where I need to be active. Sometimes, I might just be there in case there is a question for me. So when those meetings are remote, I found a new way to beat the feeling of wasting my time. I draw portraits of my…

  • Dessine-moi un ternette

    Noah Veltman collectionne les dessins représentant “Internet” dans les documents de dépôt de brevets. Ça ressemble donc à un nuage, une explosion, une cible ou même peut-être l’atomium. Source: What shape is the internet?

  • Dessin au point de fusion

    Etsuko Ichikawa dessine, avec de la pâte de verre en fusion, ce qu’elle appelle ses “Pyrograph”. via Fz

  • Cycloid Drawing Machine

    As if it’s coming back from the old ages, the Spirograph has been upgraded. And it’s creator is even seeking funding for it. I like how the video even looks like it’s been shot with an old VHS camera. Source: The Automata Blog

  • Autonomous #Drawing Machines by Echo Yang

    So simple yet so joyful. More excellent work on his website: Echo Yang

  • Plotclock

    A clock that plots time. ᔥlaughingsquid.

  • Machine à dessiner – Semaine de verticalité – St-Luc

    En cette semaine de “verticalité” qui débute ce lundi à l’ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles, Luc Lamy propose aux étudiants qui le souhaitent de travailler sur des projets de “machine à dessiner”. C’est dans ce cadre qu’il m’a invité à venir parler de “Comment ne pas dessiner“, plus d’autres choses dont je parle parfois sur ce blog.…

  • Sand Drawing Machine

    David Bynoe‘s automated geometric drawings in the sand. Somewhat mandalas made with 4 cables and motors. Mesmerizing. ᔥhackaday

  • #drawings by Katrin Gattinger @ Rosa Brux

    Katrin Gattinger was in residency in Rosa Brux which ended with an exhibition (29/11/2013, Brussels) displaying a group of drawing apparatuses that the public was invited to activate. En parallèle de la présentation des dessins produits lors de cette résidence, elle présentera, dès 20h30, un ensemble de dispositifs à dessin que le public est invité…

  • #arduino brush painting machine by @NeuroProd

    A drawing tool with a tablet translating “the pen pressure to the brush height/size on [the] machine for more interesting brush strokes.” Kris Temmerman (@NeuroProd), the creator, shares his schematics and code on his website. ᔥVormplus.

  • Tango #drawing

    ᔥLuc Lamy.