Category: en

  • Y U No Like ?

    As a social & artistic experiment, I’ve been running for the past couple weeks a script called [loveMachine] on my Facebook profile. To say it quickly without blinking, the script takes over my account and likes everything that is showing up on my timeline, be it friends posts, pictures, spotify playlists or even friends of…

  • Brassft Punk #CoverTuesday

    Harder, better, faster, stronger than the original. source.

  • Your (best) friend was replaced by a bot…

    …and your only way to tell is because he compulsively likes everything you do. Yes, how else would you know? We give our lives, our thoughts, our likes, our preferences, our contacts, our agenda, our locations, our family pictures,… to the insatiable ogre we call social media. We give it so much, it knows more…

  • Such a shame to believe in escape

    Last cover tuesday of 2013, with belgian singer, An Pierlé, sensual version of “such a shame”, original by Talk Talk. See ya next year.

  • Lego typography

    Found a big lego bag in some basement years ago. Finally washed, bleached and bathed many times. Plus some hours into building the thing. Xmas present for an 8 year old. Decoration for his bedroom.

  • Sand Drawing Machine

    David Bynoe‘s automated geometric drawings in the sand. Somewhat mandalas made with 4 cables and motors. Mesmerizing. ᔥhackaday

  • Heartbeats #CoverTuesday

    Heartbeats by The Knife, covered by José González. video source

  • Tissue paper animal animation

    Quite an incredible animation made with tissue paper. Making off (here under) is worth watching also. ᔥMilady Renoir.

  • #drawings by Katrin Gattinger @ Rosa Brux

    Katrin Gattinger was in residency in Rosa Brux which ended with an exhibition (29/11/2013, Brussels) displaying a group of drawing apparatuses that the public was invited to activate. En parallèle de la présentation des dessins produits lors de cette résidence, elle présentera, dès 20h30, un ensemble de dispositifs à dessin que le public est invité…

  • Blender-Brussels november report

    We’ve passed more than a year since the first free *cough* monthly *cough* Blender workshop organized by François Zajega and I. And since I put myself into taking notes during the the last one, here’s a quick report of what was discussed and achieved. Morning time is for coffee and “show and tell”. Since François…

  • Seven Nation Army #CoverTuesday

    Original version by White Stripes. video.

  • White Feed

    White Feed gives you a periodic Facebook post that is just a simple white image. Nothing else. So you can have a little piece of nothingness in between posts in your busy Facebook News Feed. I wish I had thought about this. “White Feed” is one of those simple, yet smart project using Facebook as…