Tag: puredata
“Pointillism”, live coding at #PdCon16~
IOhannes M Zmölnig is an active member of the Pure Data development scene. So it’s of little surprise that he was attending the Pure Data Conference that just happened last week in NYC. Pure Data (Pd) is a visual programming language […] for creating interactive computer music and multimedia works. − Wikipedia You also might…
Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 : Day 4
[View the story “#LGM13 : Day 4” on Storify] #LGM13 : Day 4 Last day of the Libre Graphics Meeting at Medialab Prado Storified by Juego· Sat, Apr 13 2013 16:59:28 open source design. #madrid #architecture #lgm13Kat Braybrooke Last day, for me, started with the Inkscape related talks. There were talks before that, but woke…