Tag: machine
Mechanical 3D Printer
Using gravity and mechanisms inspired by the mechanical clocks, Daniel de Bruin created this analog 3D printer. ↬ @raphaelbastide
Cycloid Drawing Machine
As if it’s coming back from the old ages, the Spirograph has been upgraded. And it’s creator is even seeking funding for it. I like how the video even looks like it’s been shot with an old VHS camera. Source: The Automata Blog
Autonomous #Drawing Machines by Echo Yang
So simple yet so joyful. More excellent work on his website: Echo Yang
A clock that plots time. ᔥlaughingsquid.
Machine à dessiner – Semaine de verticalité – St-Luc
En cette semaine de “verticalité” qui débute ce lundi à l’ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles, Luc Lamy propose aux étudiants qui le souhaitent de travailler sur des projets de “machine à dessiner”. C’est dans ce cadre qu’il m’a invité à venir parler de “Comment ne pas dessiner“, plus d’autres choses dont je parle parfois sur ce blog.…
Sand Drawing Machine
David Bynoe‘s automated geometric drawings in the sand. Somewhat mandalas made with 4 cables and motors. Mesmerizing. ᔥhackaday
#arduino brush painting machine by @NeuroProd
A drawing tool with a tablet translating “the pen pressure to the brush height/size on [the] machine for more interesting brush strokes.” Kris Temmerman (@NeuroProd), the creator, shares his schematics and code on his website. ᔥVormplus.
#Lego paper plane folding machine
6000-7000 lego pieces. 150x40cm. The end is just beautiful. I can’t imagine how many hours it requires to build this. (Mute the sound, music is loud and inappropriate) ᔥLa boite verte.
Herald : handwriting #machine
L’écriture au porte-plume, c’est plus ce que c’était. Herald, a calligraphy machine project at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. ᔥHackaday.
“Trace” #drawing #machine by Balint Bolygo
Trace (Self Portrait) – Balint Bolygo – Artist, Sculptor, Designer..
La machine à trier les m&m’s
Enfin, pas vraiment des m&m’s (des skittles, en fait), mais c’est pareil. ᔥ@LaBoiteVerte.
“Why knot?”, machine à noeud de cravate
par Seth Goldstein. (PS: si quelqu’un veut me l’offrir pour Noël) ᔥThe Automata Blog