Tag: LLM
Quoting Henry Farrell
Large Models should not be viewed primarily as intelligent agents, but as a new kind of cultural and social technology, allowing humans to take advantage of information other humans have accumulated. […] Our central point here is not just that these technological innovations, like all other innovations, will have cultural and social consequences. Rather we…
Barefoot developers
[L]ocal software that means software that is built close to the home and serves the needs of the home. It’s software someone might build for themselves, their family and friends, their neighborhood and community. It solves local problems for local people.
Citation de Gregory Chatonsky
C’est qu’une nouvelle dialectique du maître et de l’esclave à l’ère des intelligences artificielles se met en œuvre. Une dialectique extrêmement trouble où on ne sait plus qui maîtrise l’autre, qui est programmé et qui est programmateur parce que les procédures relationnelles entre l’être humain et la machine semblent s’étendre à toute chose. Dans cette…
Originality report
Currently attending an online course at the University of Maastricht. When I enrolled in the class, I got an email insisting on ethical principles and letting me know that plagiarism wasn’t tolerated and could result in my exclusion from the course. I wasn’t expecting this, although I fully agree with those principles. I don’t remember…